We turn boredom into an unforgettable adventure. We love sharing, nature, traditions, meeting new people and showing the hidden treasures of the earth. Whether the event lasts an hour, a day or a week, you will surely discover something new.
To find out more, visit our website. We can't wait to meet you.
The thought of those who believe in us
Prossimi eventi
... pensieri da illustri viaggiatori del passato
This is a review. In this section you can share particular success stories and customer reviews about yourself and your services. Site visitors will be looking forward to choosing you for their journey!
A. Di Lieto
This is a review. In this section you can share particular success stories and customer reviews about yourself and your services. Site visitors will be looking forward to choosing you for their journey!
F. Romano
This is a review. In this section you can share particular success stories and customer reviews about yourself and your services. Site visitors will be looking forward to choosing you for their journey!
G. Colombo
dal suo diario
"Provavo un gran dispiacere a dover lasciare la Calabria. Le sue bellezze avevano esercitato una specie di magica ascendenza su di me e sentivo che sarebbe stata eterna. Avevo la sensazione che qualsiasi cosa avessi visto in futuro non avrebbe suscitato in me sensazioni altrettanto piacevoli ed indelebili. Di questo non ho dubbi.
Anzi, ho la presunzione di affermare che in nessun’altra parte d’Europa la natura ha tracciato in modo così magnifico le linee che il genio e l’opera umana devono seguire o gli sforzi dell’arte migliorare."
Richard Keppel Crayen
If you want to know more about the organized events, contact us and
We will reply as soon as possible.
Moments of art aps - Via Genova 14, 88100 Catanzaro
(+39) 3384051796